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House Daniel

East London, South Africa

Now a very popular concept, Airbnb is a good choice for property owners to generate additional income. On this sloping site, because of proximity for access to the main house, the build had to be positioned in the most challenging terrain. Consequent structural intervention and cost was immense. Credit to the client for staying the course and following through. Stylishly understated, the street frontage seamlessly blends and complements the existing elevation. Providing 2 separate bedroom suites set within a lush suburban garden setting, mixed with subtle personal detail, this build now forms part of a series of elegant, private and relaxing guest retreats.


Client: James and Marelise Daniel
Value: R3 millon
Status: Completed 2022
Category: Residential

Aloe Architects House Malotana
Aloe Architects House Malotana
Aloe Architects House Malotana
Aloe Architects House Malotana

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